24я Международная Конференция по Компьютерной Графике и Зрению 30 сентября – 3 октября 2014, Ростов-на-Дону, Россия
ЮГИНФО (пр. Стачки 200/1)
ЮГИНФО (пр. Стачки 200/1)
© Graphicon'2014

Exhibited materials conference GraphiCon'2014
Published conference program. The program may change
Recommend hotels were added
Submission of papers has been extended until 20.07.2014
Extended to 30.06.2014 registration and submission of papers
Registration of participants [13.03.2014]
Registration of participants will begin on March 30
Exhibited materials conference GraphiCon'2014
Published conference program. The program may change
Recommend hotels were added
Submission of papers has been extended until 20.07.2014
Extended to 30.06.2014 registration and submission of papers
Registration of participants [13.03.2014]
Registration of participants will begin on March 30